Search our inventory for your Phoenix Contact part numbers select the Phoenix Contact part number to view our live inventory levels and repair pricing. If we don't have what you need in stock, please contact us and we may be able to find/source it or repair the part for you.
The Phoenix Contact part numbers can be complex and confusing. Most items have both a model number and an order number, and some also have an assembly number. A good example is the part number 2725891. It is a replacement digital I/O electronic module with the model number IBS STME 24 BK RB-T DIO8/8/3LK. This is only for the replacement electronics. The complete assembly part number for the electronics and termination module is on the back of the complete assembly. The complete assembly part number (electronics and termination module) would be 2726049 with a module number IB ST ZF 24BK. When you search you will see both options in our database. We normally sell complete assemblies, but can often provide individual electronics or terminations upon request.
Get Your Phoenix Contact Parts Repaired
Even though some Phoenix Contact spare parts are obsolete, we continue to support many different families and generations of Phoenix Contact parts.
Phoenix Contact Repair
Classic Automation provides repair services for Phoenix Contact. Our Phoenix Contact repairs come with a complete2-year warranty.